Dominate Your Local Market

Why Purpose-Driven Professionals
Join The Business RadioX ® Network


Karen Nowicki

We've cracked the code for Helping People & Making Money in Radio. There's a reason traditional radio is in such rapid decline and most podcasters make very little money. Actually there are several. You can avoid them all when you join the Business RadioX ® Network, and have a great deal of fun in the process.



If you want a proven business model for building relationships, growing your business, and serving your community, then maybe the Business RadioX® platform is right for you? 

Whether you want to become an indispensable resource for your local business community or simply have greater impact with your current work, becoming a Business RadioX® Studio Partner will get you where you want to go.


  • You Grow Your Business
  • You Build Relationships
  • You Serve Your Community
Connect. Serve. Grow. with Business RadioX ®
  • americancancersociety
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  • xerox

Help More People. Make More Money. Own Your Backyard.


  • No Contracts, Cancel Anytime
  • No Royalties
  • Set Your Own Fee Structure
  • Keep The Money You Earn
  • Grow Your Business
  • Build Relationships
  • Serve Your Community


  • Your Own Business RadioX Website
  • Your Own Business RadioX Channel
  • 7 Revenue Streams
  • Unlimited Technical Support
  • Personal Mentoring
  • Extensive On Demand Catalog(Over 36,000 Interviews)
  • Proven Business Model
  • Global Distribution
  • BRX ® Apparel & Branding
  • Expansion Incentives(multiple studios)


  • Coaches / Consultants
  • Franchisors / Franchisees
  • Entepreneurs
  • Podcasters
  • Speakers
  • Authors
  • Associations
  • Retired Executives

1. Is This A Franchise?

 No this is not a franchise.  "Studio Partner" is the highest level of Subscription in our Media as aService (MaaS) suite of offerings. We do not collect royalties, there is no mandatory training, you do not have to purchase supplies or equipment from us -- and there are No Contracts, Cancel Anytime.

2. What Is The Financial Investment To Become A Business RadioX ® Studio Partner?

  • Initial Activation and Set-Up: $30,000
  • Monthly Subscription = $950 / Month

3. Do I Really Need To Set Up A Physical Studio ?

In most cases this is definitely the best way to serve your market and grow your business.  However, this is not mandatory and after we talk it through, you might choose our BRX Mobile option to get started.

4. How Is This Different Than Podcasting Or Traditional Media ?

It Actually Works.

Most Podcasts and Traditional Media Approaches Simply Don't Work For Business:

  • They don't help enough of the right people.
  • They don't work fast enough.
  • They don't produce predictable results,
  • And they don't make much money.

What We Do Works. It Always Works. It Never Doesn't Work.

If you're interested in Podcasting, of course we can help you with that too * . . . but Podcasting alone is just one strategy, one small sub-set of the Business RadioX ® Methodology.

* To Discover More About Our Next Profitable Podcasting Cohort, contact Stone Payton at

5. What Kind Of Support Is Provided ?

As much or as little as you want. We've been doing this since way before it was cool.  We have over 12 years of hard earned experience and wisdom -- highly specialized knowledge and expertise regarding virtually every aspect of Helping People and Making Money with this platform . . . and we're prepared to help you as much, and as fast as you'll let us.

6. How Long Will It Take To Get Up And Running ?

We recommend 90 Days, so you can take full advantage of our proven Pre-Launch System, but it can happen much faster if you're truly committed to an accelerated timeline.

7. How Do I Find Out If This Might Be A Good Fit ?

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Stone Payton, Managing Partner

If you'd like to discover more then let's talk it through . . .


Dominate Your Local Market